Student Leadership Team

The purpose of the Student Leadership Team is to voice the view of the students on a variety of matters including the learning environment, school procedures, curriculum, fund raising, canteen, school grounds and social functions.

Representatives gather opinions, encourage involvement in school issues and aim to make school a better place for all. Student Leaders role model high standards with regards to attendance, behaviour and achievement, as well as maintain a high profile within the school and community by hosting formal and informal events and assemblies.

The Student Leadership Team has several sub-groups such as; Sustainability, Canteen, Grounds beautification and Fund raising. All students can have input into these groups through their class representatives and their sub-school leaders.

Student Leader meetings occur on a regular basis where members are expected to adhere to a code of cooperation and attend all required meetings. Students who are positive role models with regards to school expectations and who demonstrate leadership qualities are invited to apply to be a Student Leader at the start of each year.

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